


Powering the Death Star are a lot
of made up technologies from a galaxy far, far away that simply can’t be found
here. Our galaxy doesn’t have a hyperspace-dimension that allows for
faster-than-light transit between worlds, thus making the Death Star completely
ineffective as a deterrent for galactic uprisings. The battle station’s central
core also draws power from hyperspace, by processing an invented substance
called hypermatter. That core then channels its enormous power into an array of
massive kyber crystals – material not known to exist in our galaxy – to create
the distinctive focused beam effect of its superlaser. So, while it would be a
prodigious feat of engineering today to create a battle station as big as the
Death Star, it would never be able to do the things the Death Star is capable

谢谢大家的关注。我了解有知乎用户在向我提问,由于此前我在纽约Comic Con,但会尽力回答大家的问题。近期《星球大战:义军崛起》已经在中国播出,非常欢迎各位收看并提问。


我是超级星战狂!现在的本职是卢卡斯影业品牌传播经理,为星球大战撰写图书、管理星战线上资料,此前我成立了星战迷友联盟,甚至还在《西斯的复仇》中饰演了一个小角色🙂 通过知乎,我希望和中国的粉丝交流,我的同事会帮我进行翻译,欢迎大家和我交流!

来源:知乎 www.zhihu.com

作者:Pablo Hidalgo


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