译者:ringohan 原文地址:theatlantic.com
1.2014年9月30日,德国法兰克福,屋顶上悬挂着的一片五叶地锦(爬地虎)树叶。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/Patrick Pleul)
2.2014年9月28日,云雾笼罩在怀特山山谷,树叶变了颜色。摄于新罕布什尔州米兰的米兰山。(美联社图片/ Jim Cole)
Fog sits in the valley of the White Mountains as leaves change colors on September 28, 2014 in this photo taken from Milan Hill in Milan, New Hampshire, (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
3.2014年10月9日,日落时分,一群鹤结束觅食,飞往德国利努姆附近的沼泽地准备过夜。利努姆湿地是从斯堪的纳维亚南部迁徙到西班牙和北非的鹤及其它鸟类的主要停留地。(盖蒂图片社/ Sean Gallup)
Cranes return at sunset from foraging for food duringthe day to spend the night in the marshes near Linum, Germany, on October 19, 2014. The Linum marshes are a major stopping point for cranes and other birds migrating from Scandinavia south to Spain and northern Africa. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images) #
4.2014年10月6日,在缅因州的自由港,一位男子骑着摩托车从正在展示明亮秋叶的白桦树旁经过。(美联社图片/ Robert F. Bukaty)
A motorcyclist cruises past a maple tree displaying its bright fall foliage in Freeport, Maine, on October 6, 2014. (AP Photo/) #
5.2014年10月4日,在宾夕法尼亚州维克斯福德的果园与田头市场,秋季节日里,满载参观者的拖拉机从南瓜堆一旁通过。(美联社图片/ Keith Srakocic)
A tractor tows a trailer full of visitors past a pumpkin patch during a visit to a fall festival at an orchard and farm market in Wexford, Pennsylvania, on October 4, 2014. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic) #
6.2014年10月17日,在乌克兰东部顿涅茨克一家公园里,一位女孩拿着秋叶奔跑。(路透社/ Shamil Zhumatov)
A girl runs with autumn leaves at a park in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, on October 17, 2014. (Reuters/Shamil Zhumatov) #
7.2014年10月6日,在美国马萨诸塞州列克星敦的威尔逊农场里,墙上展示着南瓜和葫芦。(路透社/ Brian Snyder)
Pumpkins and gourds are displayed on a wall at Wilson Farm in Lexington, Massachusetts, on October 6, 2014. (Reuters/Brian Snyder) #
8.2014年10月12日,在德国法兰克福,灰色的秋天里,一只苹果挂在树上。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Frank Rumpenhorst)
An apple hangs on a tree during a gray autumn day in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on October 12, 2014. (Frank Rumpenhorst/AFP/Getty Images) #
9.2014年10月21日,在英格兰伦敦摄政王公园,阳光下正在打盹的松鼠。(盖蒂图片社/ Dan Kitwood)
A squirrel dozes in the sunshine in Regent’s Park in London, England, on October 21, 2014. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) #
10.2014年10月22日,在瑞士洛桑附近的谢布尔,秋日下可看见莱蒙湖岸上的Lavaux葡萄园。(路透社/ Denis Balibouse)
The vineyards of Lavaux above Lake Leman are seen on an autumn day in Chexbres near Lausanne, Switzerland, on October 22, 2014.(Reuters/Denis Balibouse) #
11.2014年10月21日,法国南特附近韦尔图,一片坠落的秋叶上的雨滴。(路透社/ Stephane Mahe))
Raindrops on a fallen autumn leaf in Vertou near Nantes, France, on October 21, 2014. (Reuters/Stephane Mahe) #
12.2014年10月19日,在德国维尔茨堡,一位女子遛狗从覆盖着秋天落叶的墙壁旁走过。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Karl-Josef Hildenbrand)
A woman walks her dog past a wall covered with fallen autumn leaves in Wuerzburg, Germany, on October 19, 2014. (Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/AFP/Getty Images) #
13.2014年10月3日,在法国雷恩西部市附近的赫德巴祖日,清晨覆盖薄雾的蜘蛛网。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Damien Meyer)
A cobweb covered with mist, early in the morning of October 3, 2014 in Hede-Bazouges next to the western city of Rennes, France. (Damien Meyer/AFP/Getty Images) #
14.2014年9月30日,在阿拉斯加州的安克雷奇,一对号手天鹅准备在波特沼泽(Potter Marsh)的开放水域降落。每年秋天,成千上万只天鹅在迁徙南方的途中都要停在这片沼泽进食。(美联社图片/ Dan Joling)
A pair of trumpeter swans prepare to land on open water in Potter Marsh in Anchorage, Alaska, on September 30, 2014. Hundreds of swans stop to feed at the marsh every autumn on their annual migration south. (AP Photo/Dan Joling) #
15.2014年10月7日,在英国伦敦的皇家园艺伦敦丰收节上,来自伦敦7岁的阿马利亚·阿莫斯坐在巨型南瓜当中。来自英国各地的种植着齐聚威斯敏斯特的RHS园艺馆,在一年一度的水果蔬菜比赛中展示他们的时令赠品。(盖蒂图片社/ Dan Kitwood)
Amaryah Amos, 7, from London, sits among the giant Pumpkins at the Royal Horticultural London Harvest Festival Show in London, England, on October 7, 2014. Growers from across the UK come together for the show at the RHS Horticultural Halls in Westminster to exhibit their seasonable bounty in the annual fruit and vegetable competition. (Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) #
16.2014年10月6日,在德国贝希特斯加登附近的国王湖上,巴伐利亚山区的农民正在用小船将牛群从夏季牧场转移。将牛群从遥远的夏季高山牧场转回家园,船运是唯一的途径。(美联社图片/ Matthias Schrader)
Bavarian mountain farmers return their cattle from summer pastures on a boat across Lake Koenigssee near Berchtesgaden, Germany, on October 6, 2014. The trip by boat is the only way to bring the cattle from their remote summer mountain-pastures back to their homestead. (AP Photo/Matthias Schrader) #
17.2014年9月24日,在伊利诺斯的米努卡,收获季节,农场主丹·罗伯茨在查看自己种的玉米。(路透社/ Jim Young)
Farmer Dan Roberts inspects his corn crop during the harvest in Minooka, Illinois, on September 24, 2014. (Reuters/Jim Young) #
18.2014年10月14日,在英格兰西南韦斯顿比特的古老植物园,旅客正在观赏秋天的树叶。在这些收集的名树中,日本枫树是最先变为红色与橙色。这些树木最初栽种于收集数种全盛时的19世纪维多利亚时代。(路透社/ Toby Melville)
Visitors view the autumn foliage of acer trees in the Old Arboretum at Westonbirt in southwest England on October 14, 2014. The Japanese maples are some of the first species to turn red and orange at this famous tree collection, originally planted out in the nineteenth century Victorian heyday of plant hunting. (Reuters/Toby Melville) #
19.2014年9月20日,在法国伊瓦莱马尔龙附近,夜色下一只成年鹿的背影。(路透社/ Philippe Wojazer)
The silhouette of a stag at nightfall near Yvoy-le-Marron, France, on September 20, 2014. (Reuters/Philippe Wojazer) #
20.2014年9月28日,在俄罗斯克拉斯诺亚尔斯克以外西伯利亚针叶树林地带,一位“出口点位(Exit Point)”业余跳绳组的成员从一座44米高的热水管桥上一跃而下。(路透社/ Ilya Naymushin)
A member of the “” amateur rope-jumping group jumps from a 44-meter high (144-feet high) waterpipe bridge in the Siberian Taiga area outside Krasnoyarsk, on September 28, 2014. (Reuters/Ilya Naymushin)
21.2014年10月7日,在纽约州罗斯科镇的卡茨基尔(Catskills)地区,一片落叶飘落在Willowemoc溪上。(路透社/ Carlo Allegri)
A fallen leaf floats on the surface of the Willowemoc Creek in the Catskills region town of Roscoe, New York on October 7, 2014. (Reuters/Carlo Allegri) #
22.2014年9月27日,在新罕布什尔州达默的安德罗斯科金河上,布拉德和苏·怀曼划着他们上世纪30年代的“老镇引导(Old Town Guide)”独木舟,气温在华氏70度,秋色正浓。(美联社图片/ Jim Cole)
Brad and Sue Wyman paddle their 1930’s Old Town Guide canoe along the Androscoggin River with temperatures the 70’s and fall colors showing on September 27, 2014 in Dummer, New Hampshire. (AP Photo/Jim Cole) #
23.2014年10月3日,在伦敦的里士满公园,一头长着鹿角的雄性红鹿头戴凤尾草穿行在灌木丛中。(路透社/ Toby Melville)
A male red deer with antlers covered in bracken, walks through undergrowth in Richmond Park in London on October 3, 2014. (Reuters/Toby Melville) #
24.2014年10月13日,在加利福尼亚州半月湾(Half Moon Bay)举行的第41届年度Safeway世界南瓜冠军称重比赛中,一辆又一辆汽车拉来了巨大的南瓜。加州纳帕的约翰·霍克利赢得比赛大奖,其重达2058磅的巨型南瓜打破该州的记录,霍克利获得12510美元的奖金,合每磅6美元。(盖蒂图片社/ Justin Sullivan)
Large pumpkins sit in the back of vehicles during the 41st Annual Safeway World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off on October 13, 2014 in Half Moon Bay, California. John Hawkley of Napa, California won the contest and broke a state record with his gigantic pumpkin weighing in at 2,058 pounds. Hawkley took home a cash prize of $12,510, or $6.00 a pound. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) #
25.2014年10月10日,在新罕布什尔州,从杰佛逊镇望去,叶色已经改变,怀特山巅已经出现一层薄薄的白雪。(美联社图片/ Jim Cole)
A dusting of snow appears on the White Mountains Presidential Range as leaves change colors, seen from Jefferson, New Hampshire, on October 10, 2014. (AP Photo/Jim Cole) #
26.2014年10月18日,西伯利亚的哈卡斯地区,Belyo湖畔田野里一捆捆干草上已覆盖上了白雪。(路透社/ Ilya Naymushin)
Bales of hay covered with snow on a field on the bank of the Belyo Lake in the Khakassia region of Siberia, on October 18, 2014. (Reuters/Ilya Naymushin) #
27.2014年10月22日,在德国博登迈斯附近,秋叶已覆盖上了白雪。(法新社/盖蒂图片社/ Armin Weigel)
Autumn leaves, covered in snow, near Bodenmais, Germany, on October 22, 2014. (Armin Weigel/AFP/Getty Images) #