工大校园资源共享 安全提醒(Safety Notice) 工大人 — 07/13/2015 — 安全提醒 各位留学生: 据韩国媒体6月15日报道,韩国的中东呼吸综合征(MERS)确诊患者增至150人,死亡人数增至16人。 鉴于目前MERS疫情严重,为了自己及他人的安全,建议各位留学生暑期尽量不要去有MERS疫情的国家或地区,如需去疫情国家或地区需要向国际学院学生工作办公室(健B503)老师报备。 Safety Notice Dear international students: According to the report of South Koreamedia on June 15th that the number of MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) diagnosed patients in South Korea is up to 150 and 16 people have died of MERS disease. Because the situation of current epidemic MERS is serious, for your own and others’ safety, it is recommended that you had better not go to MERS epidemic countries and regions during summer vacation. If you really have to go to that EMRS epidemic place or region, please report this to the teachers in Student Service Office of International College (JianB 503). Student Service Office of ZJUT International College 浙江工业大学国际学院学生工作部 2015年06月15日 June.15th, 2015 分享到×用微信扫描并分享 标记 留学生、浙江工业大学留学生