










三、 损害校园文明建设,扰乱正常的校园秩序、社会公共秩序、并造成恶劣影响者,视情节轻重,给予以下处分:








四、 违反公民道德准则和大学生行为准则者,给予以下处分:






五、 无故旷课者视情节给予下列处分:






六、 违反考场纪律、考试作弊者,给予以下处分:





八、 对吸毒者给予开除学籍处分。

九 留学生在校学习期间不得就业、经商,或从事其他经营性活动,更不得参与传销活动,否则,视情节轻重,给予严重警告或者记过处分。

十、 学校尊重外国留学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,校内严禁进行传教或宗教聚会等活动,否则,给予警告处分。


Notice for ZJUT International Students

No.1 Those who violate law, decree or regulation and receive punishment from publicsecurity and judicial departments will get punishments from serious warning toexclusion depending on the situation:

1.Exclusion will be given to those who violate the Criminal Law of P.R.C., andare sentenced detention, fixed-term imprisonment.

2.Warning, serious warning or record a demerit for those who received warning ofpublic security or penalty depending upon the situation.

No.2 Students who go against regulations of dormitory management should receivepunishments accordingly as follows:

1.Anyone who changes, occupies or rents the dormitory or bed without permissionwill receive warning, serious warning, record a demerit or observation at schooldepending on the circumstances.

2.Anyone who accommodates other person or rents bed to another one will getdisciplinary serious warning or record a demerit depending upon the situation;if accommodating the opposite sex or stay in the dormitory of the opposite sexovernight will get observation at school.

3.Anyone who breaks the rules of the dormitory, disturbs the other students’ studyand life and makes no rectification after education will get warning, seriouswarning, report a demerit or observation at school.

4.Anyonewho breaks the rules of fire or electricity and uses illegal electric will getdisciplinary warning. If causing fire and leading to some consequences, thestudent will get demerit recorded or disciplinary probation besides economiccompensation.

5.Anyone who rents house outside the campus without going through theprocedures in the International Students’ ServiceOffice will get serious warning or above.

6.Others who go in violation of rules and regulations should receive punishment ofwarning or above accordingly.

No.3 Those who do harm to the campuscivilization, disrupt the teaching and public order of the school will bepunished accordingly as followings:

1. Destroying campus’s facilities orenvironmental sanitation by drawing, writing, or posting, the students will getwarning, serious warning, record a demerit or observation at school besidescleaning up or compensation.

2.Those who damage public property on purpose and wreck flowers, grass, trees etc.on campus should receive warning, serious warning, report a demerit orobservation at school accordingly besides compensation.

3. Excessive drinking, making noise or somethingelse to disturb the orders at public places such as dining room, dormitory,restaurant, the one will get disciplinary warning, serious warning, record ademerit or observation at school depending on the seriousness of the case.Exclusion will be given when circumstances are wicked.

4. Anyone who breaks the rules of fire or electricityand use illegal electric will receive warning, serious warning, record ademerit or observation at school accordingly.

5.Those who pick quarrels or make troubles with teachers or other staff in schoolshould receive punishment of serious warning, serious warning, record a demeritor observation at school.

6.Illegal driving, driving without a motor vehicle in the campus, depending ontheir circumstances and consequences, will be given warning, serious warning,record a demerit or observation at school.

7.Wantonly making trouble after drinking or causing accidents after drunk,depending on the circumstances and the consequences, will receive warning,serious warning, record a demerit or observation at school, exclusion forthose who received warning of public security or committed a crime.

No.4 Anyone who violate the citizen moralstandards and the college students’ behavior standards will get the followingpunishments:

1. Make trouble to the people concerned due toevaluate score, transfer, evaluationpunishment, etc. warning,serious warning, record a demerit or observation at school will be given.

2. Refuse or obstruct the government staff orcollege manager to executive official business, warning, serious warning,record a demerit or observation at school will be given.

3. Molest, insult other people or bother someonein other ways, will receive serious warning, record a demerit or observation atschool.

4.Those who try to cover up, not tell facts or perjury of cases, buy or usestolen things should receive punishment of warning; and those who provide news,equipment for crime or hide stolen things should receive punishment of record ademerit or observation at school.

5.Those who counterfeit, alter, make a fraudulent claim, embezzle, transfer theownership of certificates or documentation of all kinds should receivewarning, serious warning, report a demerit or observation at school.

No.5 Absent from class without permission,following punishment will be given.

1. Absent from class for 10class hours, warning will be given.

2. Absent from class for 20 class hours, oralready be warned for absence and absent for 10 class hours again, seriouswarning will be given.

3. Absent from class for 30 class hours, oralready be serious warned for absence and absent for 10 class hours again,record a demerit will be given.

4. Absent from class for 40 class hours, oralready be demerit reported for absence and absent 10 class hours again,observation at school will be given, repeatedly punished for absence and makeno rectification after education, expulsion will be given.

5. Absent from classes for two weeks withoutasking for a leave is considered as quit school, and no other punishments willbe given.

No.6Break the rule of exam, and cheat in the exams, the following punishments willbe given:

1. Thosewho cheated in the exam should be given 0 scores in the exam and can’t attendthe make-up exam, record a demerit or observation will be given accordingly.

2. Seriouscheating except replace someone to take the exam, expulsion will begiven.

3. Replacementin the exam will receive observation at school or expulsion accordingly.

No.7Students, who engage in commercial activities in hotels, singing and dancingbar, nightclub etc, should receive punishment of serious warning. Thosewho are involved in eroticism activities,expulsion will begiven.

No.8Those who are involved in addiction to drugsexpulsion will be given.

No.9Participate in pyramid selling or business activities, serious warning ordemerit recorded will be given.

No.10The school respect international student’s national customs and religiousbeliefs, but carry out religious activities illegally, disciplinary warningwill be given.
