学 术 报 告(一)
    报告题目:Membranes research on Water Treatment and Gas Separation in Kobe University
    报 告 人:Hideto MATSUYAMA 教授
     Center for Membrane and Film Technology
     Department of Chemical Science and Engineering
     Kobe University
     E-mail: matuyama@kobe-u.ac.jp
    时 间:2016年9月13日(星期二)上午10:00~11:00
    地 点:浙工大朝晖校区存中楼10楼报告厅
    Hideto Matsuyama is the Director in Center for Membrane and Film Technology, and is a Professor in the Department of Chemical Science and Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering at Kobe University. He is the President of Aseanian Membrane Society, and Vice President of Membrane Society of Japan. His recent interests are fabrication of novel hollow fiber membrane for water treatment with high antifouling property and facilitated transport membrane for gas separation. He is also interested in Forward Osmosis Membrane Process for energy conservation and generation. He has published around 250 papers, 6 books and 65 patents, and gained awards including “Research Award of Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan”, “Lifetime Achievement Award of Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan”, and “Iue Culture Award”, etc.
     The Center for Membrane and Film Technology (MaFTech center) was established in 2007, along with Kobe University’s strategic focus on environmental studies. It is now the largest academia-driven membrane research center in Japan. Within this presentation, an overview on the center’s recently research activities will be introduced, in particular, the water treatment and gas separation related fields will be focused. In addition, the center’s international activities will be also covered. Throughout the content, we hope you can easily obtain an overall understanding on the MaFTech center’s activities and seek collaboration opportunity.
    学 术 报 告(二)
    报 告 人:王晓琳 教授
     E-mail: xl-wang@tsinghua.edu.cn
    时 间:2016年9月13日(星期二)上午11:00~11:40
    地 点:浙工大朝晖校区存中楼10楼报告厅
    王晓琳教授主要从事以纳滤膜为代表的压力驱动膜传递机理与膜过程研究、热致相分离法聚烯烃微孔膜的可控制备及其表面改性研究,电驱动膜过程与新型储能材料电化学研究等三个方面的基础及应用基础研究。在膜科学与技术研究方面取得了系列研究成果,先后主持和承担过国家自然科学基金、国家 863 计划、国家 973 计划、北京市教委重点项目、北京市科委重点项目以及国际合作项目、企业合作项目。至今发表论文 350 多篇,其中SCI收录180余篇,SCI 他引 3300 多次,出版专著1部、译著1部,申请发明专利 23 项,获教育部提名国家自然科学 二等奖 1 项(2004)、中国石油和化工联合会科技进步一等奖1项(2014年)、北京市技术发明二等奖1项(2014年)、侯德榜化工科技奖1项(2015年)。兼任《膜科学与技术》副主任编委,《水处理技术》常务编委,“中国海水淡化及水再利用学会”常务理事,“中国膜工业协会”专家委员会委员暨“膜工程与技术委员会”副主任,“北京化工学会”理事,“北京膜学会”副理事长等。此外,曾担任国际膜与膜过程大会(International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes, ICOM)2014大会主席,亚太膜学会 (Asianian Membrane Society, AMS)第3届和第8届AMS会议大会主席和常务理事,第4届、第5届、第6届、第7届AMS会议学术委员会委员等。


